Privacy & Policy

It would be ideal if you read this privacy policy cautiously by getting to or utilizing the site, you consent to be limited by the terms depicted in this and all the terms consolidated by reference. On the off chance that you do not consent to these terms, do not utilize the site.

This privacy policy is an electronic record in the form of an electronic contract formed under the information technology act, 2000 and the rules made thereunder and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic documents / records in various statutes as amended by the information technology Rules, 2011.

This privacy policy has been incorporated to more likely serve the individuals who are worried about how their 'personally Identifiable Information' (PII) is being utilized on the web. PII, as depicted in information technology act 2000 and data security, is data that can be utilized all alone or with other data to recognize, contact, or find a solitary individual, or to distinguish a person in setting. In context please read our privacy policy cautiously to get an away from of how we gather, use, ensure or in any case handle your Personally Identifiable Information as per our site.

Content and Purpose :

This protection strategy ("Privacy Policy") applies to your utilization of the domain name a web based gateway, and (shayyre), a versatile application, claimed and worked by Cure Delivery Technologies Private Ltd., an organization appropriately fused under the arrangements of the Companies Act, 2013 (hereinafter, alluded to as " shayyre " or "We" or "Our" or "Us" or "Organization"). The domain name and the mobile application are by and large alluded to as "Site".

The Website is a stage that encourages the acquisition of pharmaceutical items available to be purchased by different pertinent drug stores (hereinafter alluded to as "Administrations", with the significant drug stores alluded to as "Merchants"). The course of action between the Sellers and shayyre will be administered as per this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. The Services would be made accessible to such regular people who have consented to become purchasers on the Website in the wake of getting due enlistment, as per the methodology as dictated by “Shayyre”, now and again (alluded to as "You" or "Your" or "Yourself" or "Client", which terms will likewise incorporate characteristic people who are getting to the Website simply as guests). The Services are offered to the Users through different modes which will incorporate issue of markdown coupons and vouchers that can be reclaimed for different products/administrations offered available to be purchased by the Sellers.

We have executed sensible security practices and techniques that are similar with the data resources being ensured and with the idea of our business. While we attempt our best to furnish security that is comparable with the business norms, in view of the inalienable vulnerabilities of the web, we can't guarantee or warrant total security of all data that is being transmitted to us by you.

To offer the Types of assistance and for different purposes recognized in this Privacy Policy, “shayyre” will be required to gather and host certain information and data of the Users. Shayyre is focused on ensuring the Personal Information of the Users and avoids potential risk for keeping up privacy of the User's Personal Information. This Privacy Policy has been structured and created to assist you with understanding the accompanying:

a. The sort of Personal Information (counting Sensitive Personal Data or Information) that Shayyre gathers from the Users.
b. The motivation behind assortment, means and methods of use of such Personal Information by Shayyre,
c. How and to who “shayyre” will reveal such data,
d. How Shayyre will ensure the Personal Information including Sensitive Personal Data or Information that is gathered from the Users; and
e. How Users may get to or potentially change their Personal Information.

This Privacy Policy will apply to the utilization of the Website by all Users/Sellers. As needs be, a state of every User's utilization of and access to the Website and to different administrations gave by Shayyre to Users is their acknowledgment of this Privacy strategy. Any User is required to pursue and comprehend the arrangements set out thus before presenting any Sensitive Personal Data or Information to Shayyre, in case of violations they are required to leave the Website immediately.

This Privacy Policy is distributed in consistence of the (Indian) Information Technology Act, 2000 and the standards, guidelines, rules and explanations encircled thereunder, including the (Indian) Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011.

When requesting or enlisting on our site, as suitable, you might be approached to enter your name, email address, postage information, telephone number, Company and Professional Details or different subtleties to assist you with your experience.

When do we gather data?

We gather data from you when you register on our site, submit a request, buy in to a pamphlet, react to a review, register for an occasion, or enter data on our site.

How would we utilize your data?

We may utilize the data we gather from you when you register, make a buy, surf the site, or utilize certain other site highlights in the accompanying manners:

• To customize your experience and to permit us to convey the kind of substance and item contributions in which you are generally intrigued.
• To improve our site to more likely serve you.
• To permit us to support you more readily in reacting to your client care demands.
• To manage a challenge, advancement, study, or other site highlight.
• To request appraisals and surveys of administrations or items
• To follow up with them after correspondence (live talk, email, or telephone requests)

So as to benefit the Services, the Users might be required to upload the prescription , on the Website as well as email the equivalent to Shayyre as per the Terms of Use and the prescription will be stored by Shayyre in the way indicated in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. The expression "Client Information" shall also include any such prescriptions uploaded or otherwise provided by Users.

“Shayyre” may track calls got and made for making requests, orders, or different purposes with the end goal of organization of Services.

Web use: Shayyre may likewise get or potentially hold data about the User's perusing history including the URL of the webpage that the User visited preceding visiting the site just as the Internet Protocol (IP) address of every User's PC (or the intermediary server a User used to get to the World Wide Web), User's PC working framework and sort of internet browser the User is utilizing just as the name of User's ISP. The Website utilizes impermanent cookies to store certain information (that is not Sensitive Personal Data or Information) that is utilized by Shayyre and its specialist co-ops for the specialized organization of the Website, innovative work, and for User organization.

The Website may empower User to speak with different Users or to present data on be gotten to by others, whereupon different Users may gather such information. Shayyre therefore explicitly disavows any obligation for any abuse of such data that is made accessible by guests in such a way.

“Shayyre” does not purposely gather Personal Information from the minors.

“Shayyre“ may in future incorporate other discretionary solicitations for data from the User incorporating through client overviews so as to enable “Shayyre” to tweak the Website to convey customized data to the User and for different intentions are referenced thus. Such data may likewise be gathered over the span of challenges directed by “Shayyre any such extra Personal Information will likewise be prepared as per this Privacy Policy.

Purposes for which your data might be utilized by Shayyre :

“Shayyre” will hold User Information just to the degree it is important to offer Types of assistance to the Users. The data which Shayyre gathers from you might be used for different business and additionally administrative purposes including for the accompanying purposes:

Enrolment of the User on the Website.

Preparing the User's requests/demands and arrangement of Services (counting arrangement of safe Services);

Finishing exchanges with Users viably and charging for the items/Services gave.

Specialized organization and customization of Website.

Guaranteeing that the Website content is introduced to the Users in a compelling way.

Conveyance of customized data and target commercials to the User.

Improvement of Services, highlights, and usefulness of the Website.

Innovative work and for User organization (counting directing client reviews);

Non-by and by recognizable data, solely possessed by “Shayyre” might be utilized in a collected or non-by and by recognizable structure for inward examination, factual investigation and business knowledge purposes including those for the reasons for deciding the quantity of guests and value-based subtleties, and “Shayyre” may sell or in any case move such exploration, measurable or insight information in an amassed or non-by and by recognizable structure to outsiders and subsidiaries;

Managing demands, enquiries, protests or questions and other client care related exercises including those emerging out of the Users' solicitation of the Services and all other general regulatory and business purposes.

If there should be an occurrence of any challenges directed by Shayyre in which the User takes an interest, the User Information might be utilized for prize satisfaction and different parts of any challenge or comparable contribution.

Impart any adjustments in our Services or this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Use to the Users.

Verification of identity of Users and perform checks to forestall cheats; and

Researching, authorizing, settling debates, and applying our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, either ourselves or through outsider specialist co-ops.

Disclosure and transfer of your personal information:

“Shayyre” may need to disclose/transfer User's Personal Information to the accompanying outsiders for the reasons referenced in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use:

To Sellers and other specialist organizations selected by Shayyre to complete administrations under agreement. For the most part these contractors don't have any free option to share this data, anyway certain contractual workers who offer types of assistance on the Website, including the suppliers of online interchanges administrations, will have rights to utilize and uncover the Personal Information gathered regarding the arrangement of these administrations as per their own protection approaches.

To government establishments/specialists to the degree required may be for the following:

a) under the laws, rules, and guidelines as well as compelled of any applicable legal or semi legal position; b) to Secure and guard the rights or property of Shayyre; c) to battle misrepresentation and credit hazard; d) to authorize Shayyre’s Terms of Use (to which this Privacy Policy is likewise a section) ; or e) when Shayyre, in its sole attentiveness, considers it vital so as to ensure its privileges or the privileges of others.

On the off chance that in any case required by a request under any law for the present in power remembering for reaction to enquiries by Government organizations with the end goal of check of character, or for anticipation, recognition, examination including digital episodes, indictment, and discipline of offenses.

If there should arise an occurrence of challenges directed by “Shayyre” where the User partakes, the concerned User's data might be revealed to outsiders, additionally be unveiled to outsiders to the degree fundamental for prize satisfaction and different parts of such challenge or comparative contribution.

Shayyre makes all User Information open to its workers and information processors just on a need-to-know premise. Every Shayyre representative and information processors, who approach, and are related with the handling of User Information, are obliged to regard its secrecy.

Non-by and by recognizable data might be unveiled to outsider promotion servers, advertisement organizations, innovation sellers and exploration firms to serve commercials to the Users. Shayyre may likewise share its total discoveries (not explicit data) in view of data identifying with the User's web use to planned, financial specialists, key accomplices, supporters, and others so as to help development of Shayyre’s business.

Shayyre may likewise unveil or move the User Information, to another outsider as a major aspect of redesign or an offer of the advantages or business of a Shayyre organization division or organization. Any outsider to which Shayyre exchanges or sells its benefits will reserve the option to keep on utilizing the Personal Information as well as other data that a User give to us.

How do we use your personal data?

We can possibly utilize your own information if we have an appropriate explanation behind doing as such. As indicated by the law, we can just utilize your information for at least one of these reasons:

• To satisfy an agreement we have with you, or
• If we have a legitimate obligation to utilize your information for a specific explanation, or
• When you agree to it, or
• When it is to our greatest advantage.

Real interests are our business or business purposes behind utilizing your information, however all things considered, we will not unjustifiably put our authentic advantages above what is best for you.

The utilization of your data is dependent upon the protection notice essentially at the hour of our utilization. Shayyre DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED utilizes data gave to us to our general business use. This may incorporate the accompanying purposes:

• To react to your solicitations.
• To offer types of assistance to you including client administrations issues.
• To send correspondences to you about our or our subsidiaries' present administrations, new administrations or advancements that we are creating, and openings that might be accessible to you.
• To alert you to new highlights or upgrades to our administrations.
• To guarantee that our site and our administrations work in a successful way for you.
• To gauge or comprehend the adequacy of promoting and effort.

Marketing and occasions:

We utilize individual data to convey showcasing and occasion correspondences to you across different stages, for example, email, phone, text informing, regular postal mail, and on the web. If we send you a promoting email, it will remember guidelines for how to quit accepting these messages later. We additionally keep up email inclination habitats for you to deal with your data and promoting inclinations. If you can recall that regardless of whether you quit accepting showcasing messages, we may even now send you significant Service data identified with your records and memberships.

Legal commitments: We might be required to utilize and hold individual data for lawful and consistence reasons, for example, the avoidance, recognition, or examination of a wrongdoing; misfortune anticipation; or extortion. We may likewise utilize individual data to meet our inner and outside review prerequisites, data security purposes, and as we in any case accept to be essential or suitable:

• Under relevant law, which may incorporate laws outside your nation of home.
• To react to demands from courts, law requirement offices, administrative organizations, and other open and government specialists, which may incorporate such specialists outside your nation of home.

We try to gather just such data that is sensibly important to perform administrations for you or to react to your requests.

You are liable for guaranteeing that the data you give is precise, finished and current; we will find a way to guarantee that the data we gather, and use is pertinent to its proposed use.

Maintenance of the data:

All the data gathered/put away under this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use is kept up by Shayyre in electronic structure on its hardware, and on the gear of its representatives. Client Information may likewise be changed over to physical structure now and again. Notwithstanding the way of capacity, Shayyre will keep all User Information secret and will utilize/uncover it just the way determined under the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Some portion of the usefulness of the Website is helping the Sellers to keep up and sort out such data to impact deal and acquisition of items. Shayyre may, subsequently, hold and present every such record to the proper specialists, or to Sellers who solicitation access to such data.

The Website is likewise intended for helping the Users to get to data identifying with pharmaceutical items. Shayyre may, along these lines, hold and present every single such record to the significant Users.

“Shayyre” will likewise guarantee that User Information isn't saved for a period longer than is required for the reasons for which it is gathered or as required under any appropriate law.

This party disclosure:

We do not sell, exchange, or in any case move to outside links your Personally Identifiable Information except if we furnish clients with notification ahead of time. This does exclude site facilitating accomplices and different sites who help us in working our site, leading our business, or serving our clients, insofar as those site’s consent to keep this data secret. We may likewise discharge data when its discharge is fitting to agree to the law, authorize our site strategies, or seShayyre our own or others' privileges, property or wellbeing.

Notwithstanding, non-by and by recognizable guest data might be given

Outsider connections

Periodically, at our watchfulness, we may incorporate or offer outsider items or administrations on our site. These outsider site have isolated and free security strategies. We, consequently, have no duty or risk for the substance and exercises of these connected locales. In any case, we look to secure the respectability of our site and welcome any criticism about these sites.

The connections to outsider commercials, outsider sites or any outsider electronic correspondence administrations (alluded to as "Outsider Links") might be given on the Website which are worked by outsiders and are not constrained by, or subsidiary to, or related with Shayyre except if explicitly indicated on the Website.

On the off chance that you get to any such Third-Party Links, we demand you audit the site's security strategy. We are not answerable for the arrangements or practices of Third-Party Links.

How Do we use 'cookies'?

Indeed. cookies are little records that a website or its specialist co-op moves to your PC's hard drive through your Web program (on the off chance that you permit) that empowers the webpage's or specialist organization's frameworks to perceive your program and catch and recollect certain data. For example, we use cookies s to assist us with recalling and procedure the things in your shopping basket. They are additionally used to assist us with understanding your inclinations dependent on past or current site action, which empowers us to furnish you with improved administrations. We additionally use cookies to assist us with ordering total information about site traffic and site connection so we can offer better site encounters and devices later.

We use cookies to:
• Understand and spare client's inclinations for future visits.
• Keep track of notices.
• Compile total information about site traffic and site collaborations so as to offer better site encounters and devices later on. We may likewise utilize believed outsider administrations that track this data for our benefit.

You can decide to have your PC caution you each time a cookie is being sent. You do this through your program settings. Since the program is somewhat extraordinary, take a gander at your program's Help Menu to get familiar with the right method to adjust your cookies.

On the off chance that you turn cookies off, some of the highlights that make your site experience progressively proficient may not work appropriately. It will not influence the client's experience that makes your site experience increasingly productive and may not work appropriately.

Security practices and techniques:

Shayyre embraces sensible security practices and systems to incorporate, specialized, operational, administrative, and physical security control measures so as to ensure the Personal Information in its ownership from misfortune, abuse and unapproved get to, divulgence, adjustment and obliteration. Shayyre finds a way to guarantee that outsiders to whom the Users' Sensitive Personal Data or Information might be moved receive sensible degree of security practices and methods to guarantee security of Personal Information.

You therefore recognize that Shayyre isn't answerable for any caught data sent by means of the web, and you thus discharge us from any cases emerging out of or identified with the utilization of blocked data in any unapproved way.

Client's privileges according to their own data gathered by Shayyre:

All the data gave to “Shayyre” by a User, including Sensitive Personal Data or Information, is intentional. Client has the option to pull back his/her/its assent whenever, as per the conditions of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use, yet please note that withdrawal of assent will not be retroactive.

Clients can get to, alter, address and erase the Personal Information gave by them which has been willfully given by the User and gathered by “Shayyre” as per this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Be that as it may, if the User refreshes his/her data, “Shayyre” may keep a duplicate of the data which User initially gave to Shayyre in its files for User archived thus.

On the off chance that a User, as an easy-going guest, has unintentionally perused some other pages of this Website before perusing the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use, and such User doesn't concur with the way where such data is gotten, put away or utilized, just stopping this program application should conventionally clear all impermanent cookies introduced by Shayyre. All guests, notwithstanding, are urged to utilize the "reasonable cookies" usefulness of their programs to guarantee such clearing/erasure, as Shayyre can't ensure, foresee or accommodate the conduct of the gear of the considerable number of guests of the Website.

In the event that a User has coincidentally presented any Personal Information to Shayyre before perusing the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, and such User doesn't concur with the way where such data is gathered, put away or utilized, at that point such User can ask Shayyre, by sending an email to containing the amendment required, regardless of whether Shayyre is keeping Personal Information about such User, and each User is additionally qualified for require Shayyre to erase and decimate all such data identifying with such client (however not different Users) in its ownership.

On the off chance that the User doesn't give his/her data or assent for use of Personal Information or in this manner pulls back his/her assent for utilization of the Personal Information so gathered, Shayyre claims all authority to stop the administrations for which the said data was looked for.

Additional notes to the client:

Shayyre does not practice power over the sites showed as query items or connections from inside its Services. These different destinations may put their own cookies or different documents on the Users' PC, gather information or request Personal Information from the Users, for which Shayyre is not dependable or at risk. As needs be, Shayyre doesn't make any portrayals concerning the protection practices or approaches of such outsiders or terms of utilization of such sites, nor does Shayyre assurance the exactness, honesty, or nature of the data, information, text, programming, sound, photos, illustrations, recordings, messages or different materials accessible on such sites. Shayyre urges the User to peruse the security approaches of that site.

Shayyre will not be dependable in any way for the realness of the Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Data or Information provided by the User to Shayyre or any Seller. On the off chance that a User gives any data that is false, wrong, not current or deficient (or gets false, mistaken, not current or inadequate), or Shayyre has sensible grounds to speculate that such data is false, erroneous, not current or fragmented, Shayyre has the privilege to suspend or end such record at its sole attentiveness.

Shayyre will not be liable for any risk of security or for any activities of any outsiders that get Users' Personal Information or occasions that are past the sensible control of Shayyre including, demonstrations of government, PC hacking, unapproved access to PC information and capacity gadget, PC crashes, break of security and encryption, and so forth.

The User is answerable for keeping up the classification of the User's record get to data and password. The User will be answerable for all employments of the User's record and secret phrase, regardless of whether approved by the User. The User will promptly inform Shayyre of any genuine or associated unapproved use with the User's record or password.

Shayyre will speak with the Users through email and notification posted on the Website or through different methods accessible through the Service, including text and different types of informing. The Users can ask Shayyre, by sending an email containing the amendment required.

Changes in the protection strategy:

Shayyre may refresh this Privacy Policy whenever, with or without notification ahead of time. In the occasion there are huge changes in the manner Shayyre cookie User's Personal Information, Shayyre will show a notification on the Website or send Users an email. In the event that a User utilizes the Service after notification of changes have been sent to such User or distributed on the Website, such User therefore gives his/her/consent to the changed practices.

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